In my experience there’s nothing more splendid than cake for breakfast! I’m not sure about anyone else but I’ve indulged a little bit this quarantine, and experimentation with this bright spongy breakfast cake has been one of my favourites so far. The original recipe called for regular flour, but I made modifications for gluten free. Depending on the brand you use results in the cakes texture may vary. I like to use the Compliments brand All Purpose Flour from Sobeys as I find this flour gives me the most consistent outcome that’s similar to regular wheat flour. If you aren’t gluten free you can just as easily use regular flour in place of gluten free!
I’ll admit I don’t bake very often, so when I do it’s special. This breakfast cake is quite moist with wet ingredients of smooth ricotta cheese and sour cream, but spongey and bright with fresh blueberries and the zest of a lemon. A true treat, this cake would be marvellous with fresh wild Canadian blueberries during the summer season! Though it’s called a breakfast cake, I think this would make a wonderful addition to afternoon tea or a spring time dessert!